Tuesday 15 April 2008

My First Entry: 15th April 2008

My first attempt at writing a blog and it is only as a distraction to avoid finishing my students' marking, which is sitting in piles on the kitchen table. Daunting but it is amazing how the distractions of daytime TV and fresh coffee, not to mention scrapbooking on the Internet, can easily fill a whole day when you are in school holiday mode.

9 year old daughter Grace is sleeping over with her nan and grandad in London for three days and partner Mark is working in Kent for the week, so no domestic responsibility to fill my day or structure either. I would be a) truly useless if I worked from home with so little self discipline and also b) very fat if continued to consume the left-over contents of the fridge on a regular basis ( ie every 15 mins).

Just uploaded about 130 photos for printing to guarantee to have something to scrap for the Paradise Retreat in Guildford in two weeks time. One of these is this shot from Feb half term trip to London with Grace and my gorgeous nieces. The seven year old, Harriet, took the shot. Impressive technique at such an early age. Eldest niece Ella on the right in green.

Even better picture of Harriet and Grace being particularly cheeky also available here. I think we were all eating mints and talking nonstop on the train to London, looking out for Clapham junction for a quick change to Waterloo. What a great day from start to finish! London Aquarium and then lunch in you know where, followed by a gentle ride on the London Eye, in perfect weather conditions, with London sparkling under clear blue skies. A long walk along the Thames and a quick hot chocolate in Gabriels Wharf, after looking at the sand scuptures in the low tide. Grace loved throwing coins at the sand castle builders and asking them questions of course.
Back to the marking now!